Round Table Conference
(4th-5th March 2022)

A Road Not Yet Traversed
The Metaverse has become the newest macro goal for many of the world’s tach giants. But there’s lot more to it that’s still not explored. Many of us are still skeptical of its success. Thus to clear all the doubts, a round table conference was organised by The Commerce Society for the same. We had an interesting discussion on metaverse. It started off with opening remarks by each panelists, giving insights on what is metaverse. We then covered the aspects such as 3 layers of metaverse-immersive layer (to fix our real life moments into virtual world) , AI layer/Logic layer(doing interactions) , Blockchain- enabling the data layer and transaction layer. To add to it, Transformation from Web 2.O to Web 3.O and the challenges in it were discussed upon. Virtual real-estate, Crypto, NFTs , Block Chain transactions , and security of transactions were explained well which made the entire programme very interesting for the audience. Last but not the least , Government’s take on the metaverse , Environement in the next 5-10 years regarding it were taken up as they helped us visualize the future with this technology.
Geopolitcial issues are a major concern today, especially when the world is on the verge of war. To clear the stance on what’s happening worldwide and how it affects us, we organised a Round Table conference on ‘ India and Geopolitics’ with exquisite minds as our panelists. The conference kickstarted with a discussion on ‘Climate change and its role in India’s foreign policy’, measures to reduce pollution and bringing initiatives for a greener environment. We had meaningful discussions and deliberations on these topics. The topics comprised ’Glasgow pact cop26’, the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine and India’s involvement in it, and India’s role in the world progress by providing the world by labour and food . In these changing times – the pandemic, the Russia Ukraine war and Indo-China ties were the topics taken up for discussion. Eventually the participants’ eagerness set up a great platform for brushing up each others’ geopolitical knowledge in a healthy discourse.